There is a lot to love about Christmas. We love sharing! So as your dentist here in Rochester, NY here are some tips and recipes for making healthy treats for kids.
Foods for promoting Dental Health contain calcium and phosphorous
Did you know that enamel is one of the hardest substances in the body? The reason is because it contains the highest percentage of minerals. Calcium is one of the main minerals. But calcium needs phosphorous to maximize bone strengthening. So eating foods high in calcium and phosphorous can help make stronger teeth.
Foods that contain calcium and phosphorous:
Calcium: Green leafy vegetables, yogurt, cheese (hard, aged), seafood, milk (low-fat), tofu, almonds.
Phosphorous: Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, fish, red meat, eggs, tofu
Yummy Cookies with Pistachios is a great treat and I’ve attached the recipe:
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is vital for your overall health. It is vital for teeth because it helps them absorb calcium.
Foods high in Vitamin D: fish, egg yolks, cod liver oil, spinach, kale, okra, collards, soybeans and white beans.
Foods high in Vitamin D: fish, egg yolks, cod liver oil, spinach, kale, okra, collards, soybeans and white beans.
Yummy Eggnog for Everyone
Fibrous fruits and vegetables
Fiber in foods helps to stimulate saliva flow. Saliva helps fight against cavities. For one, saliva helps wash away food particles. And two, saliva helps to neutralize acids. Too much acid can leach calcium from the enamel of teeth. So it is important to protect the teeth eating foods high in fiber.
Examples of high fiber fruits and vegetables:
Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, raspberries, strawberries, mangos, persimmons.
Vegetables: Carrots, celery, broccoli, collard greens and swiss chard
Kid Friendly Fruit and Vegetable Snacks
To sum it all up, there are fun ways to help kids eat healthy and grow strong teeth, even over the holidays! If your life is too busy to get fancy you can simply put out cheese, fruit, vegetable and nut platters anyone can enjoy.
From all of us at Dr. Susan Bracker D.D.S. in Rochester, we wish you a Merry Christmas!